Energy Restoration through Biofield Tuning

In the interest of biofield study, research, and practice, I am seeking out open minded and curious participants who would like to be introduced to and experience this fascinating approach to electric health.

North Gate Book Club

My goal is to share with you an outline of content within the book, a summarization, and commentary as to what the author is presenting throughout the progression of the book from start to finish.

Leaping Beginner Blogger

Do you ever feel like there are times in your life that you have to be dragged across the threshold? Resistance to good things happening is rooted in fear of failure. Self doubt killed the dream before it even had a chance to unfold. This very first post is about going beyond comfort zones, breaking…

The Beloved Family Cat Is Not Lost

WARNING: The video that I made to accompany this blog post is very “cat-centric”, naturally, and may be something that a small child would enjoy sitting in the lap of a grandparent. This little article was started and nearly complete in the spring of 2023 and has been sitting in draft mode ever since. I…

Your Brain On Art – A Brutally Honest Book Review

Your Brain On Art is a collaborative piece authored by Ivy Ross and Susan Magsamen. These women are deeply interested in how the body and brain respond to aesthetic experiences, a science known as neuroaesthetics or neuroarts. They outline how this knowledge can be integrated into a new and future culture of art which is seen as a full body mind immersion with technology. 

Come ON Spring! You can do this…

You can be as prepared and planned as you want, but Nature has its own personal sense of timing that doesn’t care if you planted your seeds already and now, they are stuck in trays waiting for snow to melt.

Seed Germination Cabinet

Spring is surely to come, and I could not wait to start my first round of seeds. In this little video, I’ll show you my homemade seed germination cabinet.

Threshold of Change – Beyond Resistance

The last thing you want to do is ignore the signal that it’s time to make some changes. If you don’t decide what habits to break, they will become destructive and break down other areas of your life such as your relationships, your career, and even your health.