Soul Rebellion: A Uranian Opposition of Reckoning.

The new perception of crisis is to ring like a clarity bell.
alligator medicine

Waking up with high-definition viscous vision that unleashes holy fire water to cleanse the doors of perception is what I’m calling a Soul Rebellion.

A sudden experience, shocking. A reckoning within this moment, this juncture of the timeline. The flux point. It’s the phase of undoing, undressing, and unapologetic. It’s the tower card. The bolt of lightning that will knock you on your ass and watch you dance into recalibration.

The midlife chasm of dawning awareness.
uranus transits the opposition to nativity.

An uprising, thermodynamic current seizes and embodies the experience. Rapid deluge releases while the slashing of drag is the only way to ground, leap, and land that poise. One morning you wake up and engage with the disorder in a new way, from a place of honesty and integrity.

Centered in phase with truth.

question. Will you integrate?

integrate all of what life has to offer.
Alligator medicine guides the process.
digest your rights of passage.
be patient & roll with it.

(Medicine Cards – Jamie Sams & David Carson)

shauna mayfield
S h a u n a M a y f i e l d

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